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Returning to work

A positive spin

Revamp your CV to include highlights from your career break, describing the skills you’ve gained and the things that inspired you. Employers will see that your time away was a valuable learning experience. In conversation with your employers, be sure to say that having taken time out, you’ve returned feeling revitalised and ready to commit to them fully.

Changes in the workplace

If you’re returning to your old job, your salary might now be lower or remained static while colleagues have received pay rises. The role itself might also have evolved during your time away. You should be open to taking up refresher or training courses to bridge any gaps or catch up with the new system.

Conquer confidence issues

If you’re feeling anxious or lacking in confidence, don’t ignore it, as this will only make things worse. A great way to deal with these feelings is by speaking to a career coach or look for a mentor to support your transition.

Women returning to an engineering or technology role after a career break can contact WISE for support, the Open University also offers a ten-week course specifically designed to help the return to work run smoothly.