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How to handle a job rejection

Right after

Reply to the recruiter or employer and find out what went wrong. Feedback is really important at this stage because if you can avoid making the same mistake the next time around then your chances of getting to yes have increased dramatically. Although you may not feel like it, remember to thank them for their time and for feeding back.

Get to work

If you lost out to a candidate with more qualifications, or if they thought you were too nervous for example, you need to actively work towards bridging these gaps. Take an online course to get more qualifications or practice interviewing more in front of your family and friends. It doesn’t matter how you improve - as long as you improve.

Keep the door open

By dealing with the situation in a polite way you also keep the door open for future opportunities. If it’s a company that you really want to work for let them know you’re still interested and would love to keep in touch. You can then add them on LinkedIn or Twitter to keep up to date with the company. If they liked you, they might keep you on their records or suggest you to a colleague for a different opportunity.

Pick yourself up again

Try to shake off a rejection as quickly as possible, keep in mind that it’s not personal. You might be tempted to give up the good fight after being turned down, overcome this by being proactive and get excited about acquiring new skills to boost your CV even more.