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Develop your digital future

Digital technology has the potential to enhance economies, societies, and the environment. The speed, breadth, and depth of change will force us to rethink how countries should develop, how organisations create value, and even what it means to be human.

As a professional engineering institution and a registered charity, we’re working to engineer a better world, inspiring, informing and influencing the global engineering community and supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society.

We have 169,000 engineer and technician members in over 150 countries, with headquarters in London and offices in Bangalore, Beijing, Hertfordshire, Hong Kong and New Jersey.

We promote the increasingly diverse, innovative and multidisciplinary nature of modern-day engineering to secure solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. Our work celebrates and supports engineering across key areas, from design and manufacturing, energy, healthcare, and digitalisation to transport and the built environment.

By joining a multi-disciplinary, professional engineering institution such as the IET, you can keep up to date with industry developments, learn skills that are in demand and build your reputation in this dynamic and complex sector.