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Joining the YPC

What roles can I apply for?

Appointed Positions

Every year, there is at least one appointed position available which runs from October to September and lasts for a two-year term. For the 2024/2025 session, we have the following roles available:

  • Ordinary Member - must be a current Member of the IET and have a perspective on the region of the United Kingdom
  • Ordinary Member - must be a current Member of the IET and have a perspective on the region of the Americas
  • Ordinary Member - must be a current Member of the IET and have a perspective on the region of EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)
  • Ordinary Member - must be a current Member of the IET and have a perspective on the region of South Asia

Representative Positions

We also have three positions that are one-year terms that are specific to the audience:

  • Student Representative UK – a current IET Member in the category of Student, under 30 years old and is based in the United Kingdom
  • Student Representative International – a current IET Member in the category of Student, under 30 years old and is based outside the United Kingdom
  • Apprentice Representative – an apprentice and a current IET Member that is under 30 years old.

About the Role

What commitment would a YPC member need to make?

  • The YPC attend one or more physical meetings each year, of which one will be in the UK or Internationally in a region represented by a YPC member.
  • Attend four conference calls each year using Microsoft Teams (as part of the YPC you will be given a volunteer Office 365 account).
  • Contribute to projects the committee are working on, this could involve additional conference calls, conducting research or writing proposals.

What kind of person are we looking for?

We appoint new members of the YPC based on a skills matrix to ensure we have the right mix of skills and experience across the Committee, so this varies each year. Some of the key traits we look for are:

  • Passionate
  • Team players
  • Culturally sensitive

Applying for the YPC

To apply to join the YPC, please email stating your interest in joining the committee along with your CV and a cover letter.

The application deadline is variable each year but will usually be in early April. The most up-to-date information can be found on our elections web page.

Once you have applied, you will be asked to complete a self-assessment on a skills matrix to give the YPC Executive members a better understanding of what you will bring to the Committee. You will be informed before September if you are successful.