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Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA)

Why should you use it?

We’re a founding member of the SFIA Foundation which means it’s already available to you through Career Manager. It’s a simple way for you to measure yourself against the framework and put together a progress plan for reaching those areas you’re not fully competent in yet.

Organisations also use the SFIA framework when managing resource or recruiting new employees. It’s good for:

  • standardising job roles
  • succession planning
  • giving a clear description of skills and levels of responsibility
  • giving people a common language to define their expertise
  • acting as a baseline for capabilities, and
  • reducing IT project risks.

You can find more information on our IET EngX community platform where qualified ICTTech technicians give guidance and advice on SFIA and its competences. You can also speak with people at the same stage in their careers as you and share ideas and experiences.