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Meet the members - CEng

Some of our members reflect on why they applied for CEng and how it has impacted their career.

Evona Teh

At just 8 years old, Dr Evona Teh’s interest in engineering was sparked when her Walkman wasn’t working and she opened it up to try and fix the electronics inside.

Claire Clark

Now Claire has achieved a Chartered Engineer (CEng) title, she wants to continue to inspire those around her.

Thathsara Nanayakkara

At 30-years-old, Thathsara is the youngest IET registered Chartered Engineer (CEng) in Sri Lanka. 

Josh Williams

Josh Williams has always preferred subjects where he could have definitive answers as it suited his learning style as a dyslexic. With the support of the PREM team, Josh was able to change his IEng application to a CEng application.

Nick Tomlinson

Becoming a Chartered Engineer (CEng) not only presented new career opportunities, but also enabled Nick to formally support his peers on their own Professional Registration journeys.

Yewande Akinola

Yewande has had an incredible career that includes speaking at public events and conferences, being awarded an MBE and presenting programmes on the Titanic and Impossible Engineering for Channel 4 and Discovery, which has all helped to fuel her passion in becoming a Chartered Engineer (CEng).

Stephen Magora

Stephen Magora utilised the tools and guidance offered by the IET’s Professional Registration Engagement Team, “It was comforting to know that there was always someone at the end of the telephone if I needed help”.

Paul Prater

From being inspired at an early age to becoming an industry leader, Paul talks to us about his journey to chartership and why recognition is important in STEM careers.

Amro Tabari

Amro always knew he had a purpose and a passion to pursue in his career but had to overcome a variety of challenges and barriers. Now he is a Professionally Registered Chartered Engineer CEng and looking to help younger engineers climb the same hurdles.

Adam Wright

Adam didn’t think someone like him could achieve CEng but now, he is using his Professional Registration to unleash his potential and achieve his goals.

Helen Cumming

As an engineer with dyslexia and ADHD, Helen Cumming CEng had her concerns about the application process for Chartered Engineer (CEng). However, her interactions with the IET highlighted the support available to all engineers and technicians interested in Professional Registration.