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How you can spot if you’re neurodivergent – and access support through Foothold

If you’re an engineering student, and you’re struggling with your learning or keeping on top of everything, you may be eligible for support through Foothold’s Engineering Neurodiverse Futures programme.

Find out how this support helped engineering student Donat get a free, fast-tracked diagnosis of ADHD, so he could learn how to manage his condition and get his studies back on the right track.

“I was getting increasingly frustrated, as I knew I was capable and I wanted to do well. But there was a blocker in my path that I couldn’t identify.”

Donat, engineering student

How to spot if you may be neurodivergent

Going to university to study for a future in engineering is one of the most exciting times of your life, isn’t it?

Perhaps the part you’re enjoying the most is the social aspect, and meeting new people. Maybe you’re in love with your course, and throwing yourself whole-heartedly into your learning. Or you might like the independence that comes with being a student best.

Of course, student life can be stressful too, with all the exam prep, essay writing and busy lecture timetables that come with it. But if you find yourself struggling to keep on top of your learning, or struggling to manage all your day-to-day commitments – it can be a sign there’s something else going on.

You might be finding it hard to keep up with your workload. Or maybe you’re having difficulty with general life things, such as organising yourself, or managing your time? You might even be feeling anxious that everyone else seems to be getting on fine except you. Even thinking, ‘Will I even be able to finish my degree?’.

When you encounter difficulties like this, it can be even harder to deal with the day-to-day challenges that come with student life. However, it could also be a sign that you may be neurodivergent, like electronics engineering student Donat.

What being neurodivergent could mean for you

“Even though my younger sister had been diagnosed with Autism, I never seriously considered that I could be neurodivergent too. Plus, the long waiting lists and cost of a private diagnosis had made me think: ‘this isn’t the right time, and it’s not for me’. But Foothold’s support gave me the push I needed to take action.”

Neurodiversity presents in different ways for different people, but if you’re neurodivergent, you might be experiencing increased difficulty with:

  • Organisation
  • Managing your time and staying on top of timetables or deadlines
  • Remembering or understanding information
  • Socialising and meeting new people

Fortunately, thanks to support from Foothold, Donat was able to get a fast-tracked ADHD diagnosis – as well as follow-up support to help him manage his ADHD in his day-to-day life – so he could get his studies back on track.

However, there are many neurodiverse engineering students and apprentices who never make it into the workforce, due to a lack of support and opportunities. You may even be worrying that this might happen to you.

It is also often difficult for people who believe they are neurodiverse to access a diagnosis due to stigma, cost and extensive waiting lists, which further restricts the support available to them.

But, you’re not alone. Did you know that there are estimated to be around 820,000 neurodiverse engineers working in the industry, just in the UK?

With the right resources, guidance and opportunities, neurodiverse engineering students can go on to have successful and rewarding careers in the industry. That’s why Foothold offer support for first-time engineering students through their Engineering Neurodiverse Futures programme, designed to help you reach your full potential and get the results you’re capable of.

How Foothold can help you access support

“Before I accessed Foothold’s support I felt like I was running out of options, like everything was outside of my control. But my ADHD diagnosis has helped me to learn more about myself, and has enabled me to approach my studies and career in a better way.”

If you believe you may have a neurodiverse condition and would like to explore getting a formal diagnosis, you can apply for tailored direct support through the programme, including:

  • Support to access a diagnosis of a neurodiverse condition
  • Financial support to help you if you are struggling to make ends meet, or to fund assistive equipment or resources
  • Counselling support to help you understand what a diagnosis means for you
  • Opportunities to access careers guidance, coaching and mentoring to prepare you for life as a professional engineer.

Find out more about the Engineering Neurodiverse Futures programme, and how you could benefit from Foothold’s support, on their website.

You can also join Foothold’s free online Differently Wired Hub for 24/7 access to expert information, advice and resources on common neurodiverse conditions.