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A Review of Power System Modelling Platforms and Capabilities

Power system modelling is a critical aspect of the successful operation and management of electricity networks. Long term planning models and software serve to provide a platform where testing can be performed and scenarios can be verified in an offline environment such that the operation of the networks can be planned and optimised appropriately. Operational and real-time modelling and software is the primary method of interaction for control engineers in their supervisory and management role.

A number of conclusions and recommendations have been made to address future challenges, gaps and shortfalls. Consistency of modelling software and associated disparity within companies is an area of concern as better alignment is encouraged. Challenges with data consistency could be better managed with more uniformity in this area.

The key challenge of modelling of new technologies, such as HVDC (high voltage direct current) components must also be addressed, and viable options for this must be pursued to facilitate widespread and harmonised dissemination across many software packages. A harmonisation of development processes across network operators is also advised here, again such that the modelling tools and techniques, and any benefit they bring, can be successfully shared.