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Consultation on the Regulation of Electricians (2021)

The IET responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on The Regulation of Electricians which discusses the need for electricians to be regulated, especially when carrying out work for domestic consumers. This is to reduce the number and range of electrical faults, which can lead to fire and injury.

The consultation considers whether regulatory measures are required to give greater protection to the public and to reduce poor electrical workmanship.  It also considers the need to make the term ‘electrician’ a protected trade at different levels. This would mean that only qualified and competent individuals could call themselves electricians.  The consultation also looks at ways of increasing consumer awareness and giving access to details of competent electricians.

In its response the IET recommended the following:

  • Regulatory, not voluntary measures should be introduced to protect the public and ensure good electrical workmanship.
  • The term ‘electrician’ should be a protected title at different levels. This would be demonstrated through individual, mandatory professional registration, supported by industry.
  • A public awareness programme, backed up by an accessible register of competent users, is set up to encourage and support the public when selecting an electrician.
  • An agreement between the client, installer and Scheme Providers is put in place to allow for the independent assessment of work.
  • Greater product liability protection for consumers. The Scheme Provider would be responsible for putting faulty work right and the installer penalised accordingly.
  • The industry should provide support and guidance to reduce the decline in the number of qualified and competent electricians.