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Delivering a UK science and technology strategy (2022)

The IET has responded to an inquiry by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee into delivering a UK science strategy.

The IET highlights that the UK has a very strong, competitive science base, however, it can improve its capabilities in technology and translation.

The research sector is a system of systems that are impacted by policies in a range of areas. A strong educational base and links with industry are crucial but we must also ensure that the UK works collaboratively on a global scale and learns from others who are strong in this area.

The UK is financially efficient within its science sector and this should be retained.

  • The government should focus on its technology strategy and in particular translating science into a product.
  • The strategy must think of the whole system, including education, local policies, and foreign affairs.
  • There should be simplification of the system and number of organisations involved in setting the strategy. Key challenges for the UK should be identified as part of a consortium of academia, business, and policy makers.
  • The government should support global companies to remain based and grow in the UK.
  • Policies should favour collaboration, international cooperation, and networking between researchers.