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Get more from your partnership

We’ve put together a wide range of resources – just pick and choose what works best for your department and students. If you have ideas for services you’d like to see supported, contact your Academic Account Manager or email us

Industry links, speakers and presentations

We can help you create experiences that your graduates can talk about at job interviews. Working closely with your department, staff or student groups and the industry, we can provide speakers from IET Corporate Partners, MOD Partners, Enterprise Partners and IET Communities.

We also host sessions including our Student Membership Presentation, Professional Skills lectures, partnership networking, Career Manager webinars, professional registration presentations and webinars, Women’s Network events. Talk to your Account Manager about your tailored engagement opportunities. 

Accreditation support

If you’d like your programme to be IET accredited and recognised as meeting the Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP), we can help. We support you through your initial application, your advisory visit, training days and online training, onsite accreditation visits, application tracking and guidance, reports and action plans with a dedicated team at your side.

We can also advise you on sustainability of new programmes, how to arrange joint visits, modifying programmes to align with UK-SPEC requirements, re-accreditation and franchise accreditation.

Student employability

We know how important it is to support engineers throughout their career, and we also know that help is mostly needed at the beginning of their working life.

We’ve put together the IET Advantage programme – a series of membership packages that focus on developing students during the most challenging stages of their career, as they move from graduation into employment and the early years.

Plus, our Professional Skills Lecture is packed with essential information, technical knowledge and employability advice to help students take their next step. They can also attend workshops, presentations and meet with leading industry representatives all in one place.

IET Career Manager for students

Create a clear structure for career progression in chosen fields through Career Manager’s competence framework. It’s a tool that lets students start planning and recording their professional development, as well as build their first master CV and portfolio.

They can log skills learned from university projects and placements, track their objectives, get used to industry frameworks and set themselves on the path to professional registration. It’s also the forerunner for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) so if you want to support your students in learning recognised industry standards, planning their career and concentrating on work-readiness, ask your Account Manager about integrating Carer Manager in your employability modules and industrial placements.

Professional registration for your staff

We think that your team deserves to be recognised and valued for the work they do. They become role models for new staff joining the university and ambassadors contributing to the student experience.

Our advisors can help find the appropriate level of professional registration for your HE Technician staff, guide them through the registration process and connect them with mentors to identify professional development opportunities.

As part of your accreditation status, 50 per cent of your teaching staff need to be professionally registered, whether by the Engineering Council, the Chartered Institute for IT or the Chartered Management Institute. We offer University Based Registration Schemes with structured pathways that can raise the profile of your entire team.

And find out how your university can get involved with our other offerings: