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Community event metrics

Reporting metrics for events and activities

Attendance figures for your events is an essential way of measuring success and proving the value of your community’s activities. Each month, we generate reports showing your community’s metrics and you need to check that it’s accurate.

We use the information to make decisions about funding and report to the Board on our key performance indicators. The metrics show that we’re delivering activities to our members and also reaching an audience beyond our membership base. If you don’t keep up your metric reports, you could lose out on money.

What you need to report

You need to send the following information to Community Support, with your community name in the subject line:

  • Funding community
  • Subgroup (if applicable)
  • Date of event
  • Title of event
  • Total number of IET member attendees
  • Total number of non-member attendees
  • Total number of attendees.

If you prefer, you can use our metrics submission example spreadsheet to keep track. You can then simply attach your sheet as your submission each month.

2022 end-of-year metrics report