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Our aim was to show the need for greater quality and diversity across engineering and technology – not just gender equality, and highlight that STEM careers are ones that people should definitely consider pursuing!

The campaign followed our research that found nearly two-thirds (64%) of British women were considering taking on careers in engineering despite there only being 12% (Engineering UK) currently in industry.

When exploring why, we found that nearly a fifth of women (17%) suggested the gap between those thinking about pursuing engineering careers and those who follow through could be down to a lack of visible role models. This is even more obvious when you consider the 28% of women who don’t think they’re ‘clever enough’ to consider pursuing a career in engineering.

Worryingly, outdated visions of the industry could also be contributing, with 18% feeling it’s not suited to their gender, whilst a further 13% are put off by the fear of being discriminated against.

Most concerning was the finding that nearly half (49%) of the population felt that STEM industries were outwardly sexist! STEM careers, however, are really valued with almost a fifth (19%) of the public understanding both the wide range of job opportunities available and the earning potential of an engineering career.

If you’d like to get involved with future campaigns, drop us a line!

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