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Have you checked out our engaging webinars?

Our first virtual EngTalk, delivered by Dr Helen Scales, was on ‘Why the Deep Ocean Matters’ and proved particularly popular with our online audience. Dr Scales took us on a journey into the abyss and shared a unique insight into what life is like in the depths of the Mariana Trench, the threats that this extraordinary habitat faces and how the ocean depths could hold the key to the discovery of vital new medicines. If you weren’t able to join us, the full EngTalk is available to watch on demand on YouTube and on

Here’s what some of the participants had to say:

“I have been very satisfied with the way the IET has used the virtual environment in this difficult COVID-19 year. I feel I have benefited from being able to select interesting lectures from distant places which were not available in previous years without travelling long distances. This lecture was a prime example of this. The IET covers a wide and excellent range of subjects.”

Speaking about the Deep Ocean Matters talk itself, another participant said: “This was the best talk we have seen since the webinars started.”

Another participant shared the following feedback: “The talk was very interesting. A new subject for me and I was immediately engaged by Dr Helen Scales. Excellently delivered and great content. Good illustrative slides too. I have sent the link to several friends as I think they would like this too. Fascinating talk and very well presented indeed.”

Get ready for the Turing Talk on 22 February 2021

Coming up on 22 February 2021 from 2pm-3.30pm UK time, we have another engaging webinar that may be of interest. The Turing Talk brought to you by the IET and BCS will explore what the data from devices we carry with us in our daily activities can really reveal about our health and wellbeing. Cecilia Mascolo, Full Professor of Mobile Systems in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge will share an insight into wearable and audio data for health diagnostics. Professor Mascolo’s research is in mobile systems and machine learning for mobile health. Kate Farrahi, Assistant Professor in the ECS department at the University of Southampton will provide further insight.