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Did you watch Engineering Open House Day live?

From aerospace engineering to innovations to transport and everything in between. While we may have uncovered the amazing breadth of careers that are available for our next generation of engineers, we also covered the Maxwell Library in toilet paper and rode a cake-feeding bike around the room (sorry Savoy Place!).  

Hosted by the IET’s now famous face – Mark Reynard – we were joined by an array of epic engineers including Sophie Harker, Jack Heslewood (aka. Mr World), Shrouk El-Attar, Dangerous Dan from Mad Science East, Amber O’Connor, Ella Podmore, Kids Invent Stuff and finally, our very own IET President, Danielle George.

Throughout the show we had tons of experiments going on. Greg Foot and Maddie Moate showed us how to make pizza box solar powered s’ mores, Shrouk demonstrated how to create a circuit just using a piece of paper and Sophie explained on how planes can fly by using a cardboard box and a hairdryer.

And did you spot your little one on the Ask Dan section of the show? We had some great questions submitted in to test our IET president, Danielle George’s engineering knowledge and we learnt why raspberries are red, how we can make electricity from cow farts and how to make our very own time machine! 

But our paper plane challenge proved tricky for some of our engineers, with even aviation expert Sophie Harker scoring a mere 1.4 meters and Shrouk El-Attar’s only just making it over the start line at 0.4 metres! Retired senior RAF Officer, Sir Julian Young, even gave the young engineers a run for their money with a score of 7.21 meters.

You’ll have to catch-up to see who came out on top with a dangerously huge score of 15.54 meters. Any guesses? There is a clue…

If you did not get a chance to tune in to our Engineering Open House Day Live, from Monday, 2 August we will be releasing an episode, alongside side our guest interviews, a week for you to enjoy at home, on demand.

Or if you just can’t wait (I don’t blame you), the whole show is available to watch on YouTube: