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Introducing the Super Realeos: Bridging the gap between STEM and superheroes

The comic sees the ‘STEM Squad’ – featuring, amongst others, famous British astronaut Tim Peake – come together as a team to tackle a giant smog monster threatening to destroy one of the world’s biggest solar farms. How can they save the day? With the help of more engineers and scientists like them!

This collaboration with Marvel began in the hopes to bridge the gap between STEM and superheroes.

Research recently released by Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) for the Engineer a Better World campaign highlighted an alarming disconnect between children’s love for superheroes and their attitudes towards their engineering alter-egos.

When surveyed, a shocking 60% didn’t realise Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Bruce Banner (The Hulk) are in fact scientists or engineers – and over three-quarters say they are more inspired by Spider-Man than science graduate Peter Parker, despite them being the same person.

Promisingly, the study reveals that we’re raising a generation of children who do want to solve world problems and help the planet when they’re older. And even better, 65% claimed that after being told that their heroes are in fact scientists or engineers, they’d like to pursue a career in STEM, paving the way for our next generation of ‘Super Realoes’.

If you have children aged between 5-13, who have always dreamt of being a superhero, here is the chance! We have launched a competition challenging children to design their own superhero gadget that can make a positive impact on the world around them or a piece of technology that can improve someone’s life.

The winner will have a real-life prototype of their gadget made and be turned into a new superhero character in ‘The DM Universe’ comic strip, joining the STEM Squad to defeat the evil smog monster.

Entries close on 13 October and will be judged by our IET President, Danielle George, STEM Squad member James Young and mechanical engineering and report co-author Matt Dickinson.

Download the full comic book today and help us supercharge STEM by encouraging your Super Realoes to enter our competition!