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Tune in for the first episode of the IET Bookshelf with Brian David Johnson

We will be discussing his latest book, The Future You, and asking him why he thinks we can all become futurists too.

Johnson, a friend of the IET, has presented at our events and supported our 150th-anniversary celebrations. Last year he co-authored our report looking into how we can better understand children’s ability to free play and inspire them to explore endless possibilities.

Have your own question for Brian? Join our live Q&A session after our episode and ask Brain anything you want to know about his book and becoming a futurist yourself!

And be ready for all the upcoming episodes with other inspiring authors including Femi Fadugba, Henriette Heald and Lewis Dartnell - find out more on the IET Bookshelf website.

Tune in for our first episode: 

The book club will focus on STEM-related books (fiction and non-fiction). We are keen to feature a diverse range of authors and topics to showcase a variety of perspectives and the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion within STEM. If you have any suggestions, we would love to hear them, please fill out this form.