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One week to go! Enter our ‘super-charged’ competition to become a comic book character!

To help get children excited and ‘marvel’ at the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) we’ve teamed up with comic book artists Andy Lanning and Ant Williams to launch a new comic – the STEM Squad – and we are looking to recruit the next member of the team!

We’re challenging children to design their own superhero gadget that can make a positive impact on the world around them or a piece of assistive technology that can improve someone’s life. So, if you’ve ever dreamed of being a superhero, now’s your chance!

The winner will have a real-life prototype of their gadget made and be turned into a new superhero character in ‘The DM Universe’ comic strip, joining the STEM Squad to defeat the evil smog monster.

The competition is open for entries for children aged 5-13 until Wednesday 13th October.

Entries will be judged by IET immediate past president Danielle George, STEM Squad member James Young, mechanical engineer and report co-author Matt Dickinson and the comic book artists.

To be in with a chance of winning – send your drawing and explanation to

The competition is now closed.