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IET Member Survey 2021

The IET Member Survey aims to provide a high-level barometer of the value of IET membership as perceived by members and provides a valuable indicator and historical benchmark of member satisfaction. Responses are considered by the IET as part of a wider picture of member feedback and continuous improvement.

The survey was conducted online, launching in October 2021 and closing in November 2021 and was open to the entire IET membership base, an approach that was first adopted for the 2015 survey. The last IET member survey was conducted in 2019.

Some of the key survey findings from the 2021 survey include:

  • The overall membership recommendation Net Promoter Score® (NPS) has seen a slight increase from -1 in 2019 to +1 in 2021. However, the NPS score for those under 40 has increased from -7 in 2019 to +2
  • Among those that have held their membership for less than or equal to 2 years, 70% feel that membership has met or exceeded their expectations
  • 8 in 10 are likely to renew their membership – rating their likelihood to renew between 7 and 10 on the 0-10 scale (where 10 is very likely)
  • The membership value score of 3.37 (average score on a 1-5 scale) has decreased slightly since the last survey in 2019, when it was 3.44. However, the value score for those under 40 has stayed at the 2019 level (3.44)
  • Ratings for satisfaction with membership and the overall usefulness of membership remain comparable with the last survey: 52% of members rate satisfaction with their membership between 7 and 10 on the 0-10 scale (where 10 is extremely satisfied); 45% of members rate the overall usefulness of their membership between 7 and 10 on the 0-10 scale (where 10 is very useful)
  • There is an opportunity to strengthen awareness of various roles that the IET fulfils in society, particularly: ‘representing engineering with government’, ‘inspiring young people to study engineering’ and ‘facilitating a conversation between industry, government and academia
  • Open comments from respondents show that the increased webinar and online activity brought about due to the COVID-19 pandemic has opened up activity more widely and made our content more accessible. This is largely seen as positive and something that should continue moving forward (albeit in a hybrid fashion).

Oliver Kelly, Research Manager, said: “Thank you to everyone who completed the survey, which aims to provide a high-level barometer of the value of IET membership as perceived by members. It provides a valuable indicator and historical benchmark of member satisfaction.

“We conducted the survey online and asked all our members to take part. Members can read the full results by logging into the members’ area on the IET website.”

The results from our latest survey will be discussed by the IET’s Board of Trustees this Spring. The next Member Survey is due to be held in the Autumn of 2023. For further information about the survey, please contact Oliver Kelly:

The 2021 results are no longer available.