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Message from our President

Dear Member,

As I reported in my note in early February, Nigel Fine, our Institution’s Chief Executive and Secretary (CES), will be stepping down from his role this summer having led the IET for 13 years. As promised, I write to update you on the recruitment process for our new CES.

Our global search for the new CES progressed with the help of Russell Reynolds Associates (RRA).

In parallel, the Board of Trustees approved a Selection Panel which I have chaired, and comprising our Deputy President Professor Bob Cryan (the next President in line), two Vice-Presidents, a past-President and our HR Director.

All of us have extensive experience of appointing people into senior roles. In response to the advert that I copied to you, we received a significant number of applications, consisting of CVs and supporting statements.

After ‘long-listing’ by the Selection Panel, the top ten candidates were interviewed by RRA to expand on the knowledge gleaned from the documentation submitted, and the Selection Panel then down-selected a ‘shortlist’ of seven candidates for the first panel interview. One candidate withdrew from the process before this interview. Following the first panel interview, the Selection Panel chose three candidates to progress to the second panel interview, which included a 15-minute presentation and meeting two other discussion groups made up of members of the IET Senior Management Team and members of our Council.

The individual we were looking for as our next CES needs to demonstrate a high level of strategic leadership and transformational skills, authenticity and gravitas. Unfortunately, the Selection Panel concluded that none of the candidates matched the exacting requirements sufficiently for our needs and have chosen not to select anyone at this time. This was a tough choice, and I trust that you accept our decision not to compromise.

Our recruitment plans are being updated to take on lessons learnt and, given that it will likely take months to re-run the competition, Bob Cryan, as the next President, has agreed to lead the follow-on recruitment activity.

Meanwhile, I am pleased to announce that Ed Almond, our Director of Finance and Strategy, will take on the role of Interim CES when Nigel steps down on 30 June and until his permanent replacement is selected.

I know that you will join the Board of Trustees and me in giving Ed your full support. There is much for us to do over the coming period, delivering our great services and activities, continuing our full-on support of the engineering profession and implementing the IET’s Strategy 2030. Bob and I will continue to keep you informed as the recruitment process for the new CES continues.

Thank you for your support of our collective profession.

Sir Julian Young
President IET