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Energy innovation mapping – a collection of research, funding streams and organisations

The Energy Sector Executive Committee concluded, after some searching, that there was no single resource that provided a high-level overview of all the different energy innovation and research projects, funding streams and organisations; a gap that this map attempts to clarify and communicate.

We embarked on a journey of creating this map with some trepidation as we knew from the outset that it would need constant updates due to the changing nature of the landscape.

Understanding who is innovating and doing this research is vital for people, including investors, researchers, energy companies, and suppliers to the energy industry.

This map is intended to link stakeholders in the industry to know where to seek potential innovation partners and utilise research outputs, reduce duplication, create consortia to address research challenges and utilise research results in offerings to customers.

We need your help

We decided that we won’t let perfection get in the way of usefulness and pooled our knowledge. As a result, this map is a work in progress.

We would like to ask you for three things:

  • If you find this map helpful, please let us know. It would be good to know that the map is useful to someone outside our group.
  • Spread the word.
  • Let us know of any organisations, projects, initiatives, and funding streams that we have missed, defunct elements and other errors and omissions.
  • Send your feedback, thoughts and any questions to with the subject line ‘Energy innovation mapping’.