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IET announces four Honorary Fellows for 2022

The Honorary Fellows for 2022 are:

  • Ruth Amos in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the public understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
  • Yvonne Baker OBE in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the promotion and delivery of STEM education in the UK.
  • Fred Mills in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the public understanding of construction and engineering.
  • Sir Patrick Stewart OBE in recognition of the inspiration given through the promotion of science and technology to future generations of engineers and technicians.

On awarding the Honorary Fellows, IET President Bob Cryan, said: “I’m delighted that the IET is marking the outstanding achievements of these distinguished individuals with one of our highest honours of Honorary Fellow.

They each have excelled in their own disciplines, made truly great contributions across our engineering profession and inspired others through their expertise, knowledge and service. They should all be justifiably proud of their accomplishments, with each being extremely well-deserved.”

Sir Patrick Stewart OBE

Actor, director and producer Sir Patrick Stewart’s work has included roles on stage, television and film, in a career spanning seven decades.

In receiving his accolade, Sir Patrick said: “I am truly grateful to have been named an Honorary Fellow of the IET. I’ve been very honoured to have had a career in film and TV, which has exposed young people to highly creative ideas, innovative products, and technological advances.

It’s also fantastic to know that my work has excited young people about the wonderful possibilities offered by a career in science and engineering. Engineers make an outstanding contribution to our world, and they will help shape our future and so I am particularly delighted to receive this Honorary Fellowship from the IET.”

Ruth Amos

Ruth Amos said: “It’s such an honour to receive this award, I was surprised and delighted that the IET saw fit to bestow this Honorary Fellowship to me. I’ve worked with the IET over the last few years, and we share a passion for inspiration and supporting the next generation of engineers.

I very nearly missed out on a career that I love because I didn’t realise that people like me could be engineers – since then I’ve made it my mission to use my voice to make sure that others do not miss out because they are not aware that engineering is for them. I am so humbled that the IET recognises this work, and it is a privilege to be associated with it.”

Yvonne Baker OBE

Yvonne Baker OBE said: “I am delighted and honoured to receive this accolade from the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Engineering has opened up for me a range of opportunities and a working life that has been exciting, rewarding and ever-changing.

I want that opportunity and choice to be available to everyone, whatever their background. Thank you to the IET for the work it does in this regard, and for this Fellowship which I shall treasure.”

Fred Mills

Fred Mills said: “This is a deeply humbling honour. From a young age I have followed my love and passion for this industry, often in the face of adversity as I strived to build something that hadn't been done before.

To push through that, and see my content resonate with so many millions of people worldwide has been incredible. It is difficult to find the words that can properly convey what being made an Honorary Fellow of the IET means to me. I am eagerly looking forward to leveraging the position to inspire more people to come and work in the world's greatest industry.”