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First Indian President in the history of the IET takes post

A seasoned technologist and executive leader, Dr. Gopichand is the Founder of Myelin Foundry – an AI company with a vision to transform human experiences and industry outcomes.

He is also an Independent Director of Bosch India Limited and ICICI Securities and a member of the NASSCOM governing council for the Centre of Excellence for Data Science and AI.

He will take office from 1 October 2023, taking over from Professor Bob Cryan CBE, Vice Chancellor and CEO of the University of Huddersfield. Dr. Gopichand said: “I’m deeply honoured and excited to take on the role of the IET's 142nd President.

The role is a natural continuum to my volunteering for the IET and I am looking forward to working with the trustees to give advice and support as the IET ramps up its digitalisation strategy.”

With his upcoming President’s Address focusing on the role Engineers have with AI, he continued: “We are at a point in time for AI similar to what the early 1990s were to the internet. Everything around us will be reinvented and engineers can lead the way in delivering a resilient future by embracing innovation and technical advancements and dispelling myths about AI.

Engineers must also lead the way in understanding AI's positive and negative impacts and work with policymakers to define guardrails and frameworks for Ethical data and Ethical AI.”

In his presidential year, Dr. Gopichand will work closely with the IET to shape the organisation’s directives and strategise the advancement of engineering and technology in society. He will represent the IET at various events and conferences, advocating for its interests in society.

Dr Gopichand will also play a pivotal role in supporting the continuous professional development of IET members and participate in initiatives aimed at advancing innovation and research in the engineering community, especially in the AI space.