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Matthew O’Leary FIET, July 1939 - August 2021

Matthew O'Leary managed and led major engineering projects across various industries including pharmaceutical, manufacturing, fertiliser, food production, oil and gas.

In his early professional career, Matthew delivered electrical design specifications for Oxford Regional Hospital Board, BP, ICI and Hayden International in London.

Throughout his later career he led several projects. Among these, he helped in producing control schematics for mechanical handling equipment for Woodall-Duckham, refurbishing the harbour facilities in Tanzania, conducting short circuit injection testing on the desalination plant for Italconsult, processing control design for air separation plants, electrical design for iron ore plants, and serving as Senior Electrical/Instrumentation Resident Engineer while supervising the construction of the Avonmore creamery complex.

Following the completion of the pharmaceutical plant for Jacobs International, where he also led the design and construction of sheet-vinyl flooring and potash plants as Chief Electrical Engineer, he went on to complete the extension of electrical systems for a Pfizer manufacturing facility in Cork.

As Project Manager Matthew was responsible for the refurbishment of process equipment in batch-process Syntex pharmaceutical plant before going on to help with the design and construction of the Pilot Plant Refurbishment project from initial stages to validation to handover for Novartis.

He also played a major role in managing the design of electrical systems for the Brent A platform and Western Leg gas gathering systems, as well as leading designs on various other industrial projects for Burns and Roe Corporation and preparation of design specifications for Phillips Petroleum and Total Oil Marine natural gas terminals.

Matthew was such a cherished member of the family who leaves a gargantuan legacy behind. He treasured his involvement with the IET, and I am so proud to remain with an organisation that was prised so much by him.

Despite health troubles Matthew remained upbeat and steadfast in his determination to continue being such a support to his family and community. It is hoped that this account of his professional life does justice to what he achieved alongside his efforts to promote civil rights of those in the communities he came from.