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Awards and events

Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards

Our award-winning YWE Awards celebrate inspirational women working in modern engineering – and aim to help change outdated perceptions of engineering being a career solely for men, or one where you have to wear hard hats and dirty overalls!

REflect – inspiring diversity in engineering and technology

People from Global Ethnic Majorities (GEM - black and ethnically diverse people) are under-represented in the engineering and technology industry, and we want to change that.

Diverse experiences and insights are critical for organisational success – so we want to help promote science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) as an exciting industry to young people, and in-turn diversify the talent pipeline.

We partnered with RS Grass Roots and the Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers (AFBE) to create a national day to raise awareness – held every year on 1 August to promote #GEMinSTEM. Get involved and help spread the word.

We also held events to inspire young people and help businesses break down barriers to progress in this space. Visit our REflect website for the latest updates.