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Making a career change

Start by asking yourself questions about your current position to help you decide where you want to go. Things like:

  • where you are now and what brought you here?
  • what you like and dislike about your current job?
  • what is your biggest career achievement?
  • what’s missing?

What else?

Next, you need to think about what you want your next job to be like. This means a little bit more self-assessment.

Ask yourself:

  • what’s your ideal job?
  • what obstacles are in your way?
  • how long will it take you to get where you want to be?
  • will you have to go back to school?
  • will you be able to cope financially?

Get pro-active

Once you’re clear on what you want, you can start researching your dream job and build your action plan to help you monitor your progress and stay on track. It should be realistic and have a Plan B in case your first choice of career isn’t possible. It’s helpful to talk to people who already do this job, you can even connect with professionals in the IET networks.

Here are the four steps to getting started:

  1. Think about what your transferable skills are.
  2. Focus your learning and set priorities.
  3. Strike the right balance between activities.
  4. Set a review date.

If you need a little more guidance, our professional development how-to guide is packed with useful information. Once you get started, our professional development system, Career Manager lets you log your competences and work towards new ones.

Make it happen

If you don’t have all the necessary skills or experience yet, there are many things you can do:

  • start a training course to get practical experience and hands-on learning
  • take an evening class to learn something that increases your new career qualifications
  • offer to take on extra responsibility at work by mentoring a new employee or shadowing your superior
  • volunteer in your spare time with relevant emergency services or charities.

If you think mentor support would be helpful, you can apply for one through our mentoring service.