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Maladministration and malpractice

This policy sets out the types of maladministration and malpractice which could occur during the delivery of end-point assessment. This policy has been designed with reference to the Ofqual general conditions, to meet external quality assurance requirements of the Institute for Apprenticeship and Technical Education (IfATE).

For the purposes of the policy, maladministration and malpractice may be defined as any activity or practice that is unethical or illegal that compromises, or could compromise, the integrity, reputation and or validity of the end-point assessment process.

Where possible we will work with employers and providers in preventing maladministration from occurring. However, we expect employers and providers to have adequate systems in place and adhere to them. Reoccurring instances of maladministration may be considered malpractice, and we reserve the right to investigate.


Plagiarism is defined as copying or stealing another individual’s work. Any case of suspected plagiarism will be fully investigated. Where a case of plagiarism is proven and a certificate has been applied we will make contact with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to revoke the certificate. This is also in line with the requirements of Ofqual recognition.

Suspected incidents of malpractice or maladministration should be reported immediately to the EPA Operations Manager by email at using the Maladministration and Malpractice form. An individual can disclose information relating to actual malpractice or maladministration. Whistle-blowers are protected in law by the Public Interest Disclosure Act in certain circumstances.

Where serious incidents of maladministration and malpractice are reported to us, the Head of Accreditation and Awards will examine the information which has been provided on the form and decide whether to investigate. When conducting the investigation, we will ensure it is carried out fairly, and reasonably, and that all relevant evidence is considered without bias.

During the notification of a suspected or actual case of malpractice or maladministration, we have the right to impose sanctions on the employer/provider to protect the interests of apprentices and the integrity of the apprenticeship. Whilst an investigation is being conducted, we may introduce the following measures:

  • Refuse apprentice bookings
  • Request that the ESFA withhold the release of certificates.

Where any alleged incidents of maladministration and malpractice are bought to our attention after the issue of the apprenticeship certificate, the certificates may become invalid after an investigation, and we may need to withdraw the certificate by contacting the apprenticeship service.