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Reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments may be requested for reasons of disability or as a result of a medical condition and are not limited to these reasons.

This policy applies to employers and training providers upon selection and appointment of the IET as the end-point assessment service provider. This policy must be made available by employers to their apprentices at their Gateway to end-point assessment.

A reasonable adjustment relates to an adjustment that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or a physical or mental health condition, which may place the apprentice at a disadvantage compared to others.

Employers, training providers and End-Point Assessment Organisations (EPAOs) must make reasonable adjustments to ensure apprentices with disabilities or physical or mental health conditions are not substantially disadvantaged during training, assessment or when doing their jobs. This is a required duty as part of the Equality Act 2010.

During the end-point assessment, the types of adjustments offered may include but aren’t limited to, changes to elements such as:

  • the location and timing of the assessment
  • the format, wording or type of assessment activity
  • the availability of support personnel for additional needs
  • the availability of adaptive software or hardware, or specialist equipment.

These adjustments should mirror the types of reasonable adjustments and additional support that the apprentice has received from their employer and/or training provider during their apprenticeship programme.

Employers and training providers should work collaboratively with the apprentice and the EPAO to determine the appropriate reasonable adjustment.

They are advised to seek clarification from their EPAO in any case where they consider that they do not have the necessary expertise to judge whether a reasonable adjustment is required.

Evidence of the difficulty/disability will be required to support the application, along with evidence of any existing adjustments or additional support provided by the employer or training provider. These should also be kept for any future audit.

They should complete the EPAO’s reasonable adjustments application form and return it to the EPAO who will aim to confirm a decision regarding reasonable adjustments within 14 working days of acknowledging the request.