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Agile in a safety-related environment flyer

The Agile software development methodology emerged in the late 20th century and focuses on the iterative development of software to meet stakeholder needs in a rapid and responsive way. It emphasises building small components of software, responding to customer feedback and continuously improving software development processes, tools, and techniques.

Since its publication, a significant number of criticisms of and reflections on the Agile manifesto have been authored; practitioners recognise the need for some degree of tailoring and balancing of these principles to enable Agile to work for organisations delivering complex systems.

Organisations working in the safety-related field can assess whether adoption of Agile is appropriate for them using the questions outlined in this flyer.

This flyer on Agile is one of two high-level IET guidance documents on the benefits and pitfalls/challenges of Agile development and DevSecOps (Development, Security, Operations) practices for organisations undertaking safety-related projects, products, or services. Its aim is to spread awareness and to increase understanding and the use of good practices amongst engineering managers in this area.

A more detailed report is currently being developed and will be published shortly.

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