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The IET 150: My Sustainable Community Competition

The task was for young people (between the ages of 7-14) to take on the role of an engineer and design a sustainable neighbourhood of 150 homes using their local area as inspiration.

The competition was open to two age groups of 7–10-year-olds and 11–14-year-olds, and entries were received from categories of individuals, small groups, and large groups. We were thrilled that others outside of this age range completed the project just for fun too!

259 youngsters took part in the competition overall, and we received some fantastic entries, it was hard for our judges to decide the winners! But we’re pleased to announce the winners are:

Age 7-10

  • Individual - Sophie Golden
  • Small group - Sunshine Fields
  • Large group - Borthyn Inventors

Age 11-14

  • Individual - Rosalind Finn
  • Small group - Bedfordville
  • Large group - The Sustainable Landmarkers

The winners received LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime Sets and everyone who took part in the competition received certificates.   

A big thank you and well done to everyone who took part in the competition, and congratulations to all of our winners.