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Index your content in Inspec

Increase the discoverability of your content by indexing your publications in Inspec

As the definitive engineering and physics research database, Inspec has facilitated the discovery of scientific literature spanning the physical sciences, engineering and computing for over 50 years, serving tens of thousands of users around the world.

Inspec is used globally within universities, corporate and government organisations, as well as major patent offices as a key source of non-patent prior art literature.

Submit your content for indexing

Inspec indexes newly launched titles

Upon submission of a journal for indexing the Inspec team considers many factors, such as the reputation of the publisher and sponsoring body as well as the quality of the content and relevance within the Inspec subject areas.

Unique multi-platform presence

Inspec is available on a range of vendor platforms, including Clarivate Web of Science, Elsevier Engineering Village, EBSCO Host and more – expanding the global reach of included content.

Being indexed in Inspec will increase the visibility of your publications - elevating article discovery and readership across our extensive user base of engineers and scientists worldwide.

Article-level indexing delivers your content to more researchers

We index items at the article level with multiple terms that reflect all aspects of science and technology.

Unlike publication-level indexing, this ensures each piece of your content is discoverable to a wider range of researchers, across disciplines who may not usually search for relevant material in your publication.

Increase submissions with enhanced discoverability and readership

Ensuring the widest possible readership is a key factor for researchers when deciding where to publish their work.

Reassure potential authors of the quality and relevance of your publications or conferences and their increased global exposure by promoting their acceptance into Inspec.

Publisher neutral

While the Institution of Engineering and Technology does publish its own books and journals, content selection for inclusion in Inspec is completely publisher neutral.

Inspec currently indexes content from over 500 global publishers.

Identify research trends with Inspec Analytics

As well as increasing visibility of content, publishers use Inspec and Inspec Analytics to track detailed research topics, spot and monitor trends and identify experts in niche areas.

Being able to see the precise research topics where your titles appear gives you insights into sales and marketing as well as editorial strategies.

Submit your content for indexing

We welcome submissions for journals, conferences and other content types in Physics, Engineering, Computing and Technology for review and consideration for inclusion in the Inspec database.

If you would like to submit a publication for evaluation, please review our content and selection policy document and fill out the form below.

You will receive additional submission details to the provided email address. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Inspec Publisher Relations Team at