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The hidden job market

Where are they hiding?

Because recruitment costs are so high, many companies decide to bypass the middleman entirely. Instead, they fill roles through internal recruitment or word of mouth from employees.

Tapping into the market

The bottom line? Get out there and make connections. Here’s how:

  1. Network. Put your contacts to work to get introductions to employers. Your contacts could be friends, family or acquaintances from school or old jobs.
  2. Attend conferences, lectures and exhibitions. Becoming active within an IET Local or Technical and Professional Network is a great way to hear about nearby events and meet people within your industry.
  3. Take temporary jobs. While you’re looking for the perfect role, take on temporary work as these jobs can become permanent if you make a great impression.
  4. Make the first move. If you’d love to work at a company but they aren’t advertising any opportunities, contact them anyway. Make sure your letter and CV are heavily personalized for the company and let your enthusiasm shine through.
  5. Read. Many websites, trade journals, magazines and newspapers give details about companies that are expanding, relocating or developing new products. These are the companies you should approach because they’re likely to be open to recruiting new members.

Got a lead?

It’s always best to call first. Introduce yourself and ask questions about opportunities that suit your skill set. Then you can forward your CV and letter to the person who heads up the department you’d like to work for. If you don’t hear anything, follow up a week or so later.