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Using social media to help your job search

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, and employers are well aware of its significance. To leverage social media effectively in your job search, it's crucial to ensure that your online presence reflects positively on you.

Clean Up

Begin by conducting a thorough search of yourself online to identify any content that may be detrimental to your professional image. Delete or adjust privacy settings for any posts or photos that could be deemed unprofessional. Remember, what you share on social media can have lasting consequences.

Utilise social media to expand your network

Social media offers a vast platform to connect with valuable organisations and individuals in your industry. Engage with them by sharing insights, opinions, and relevant news. Additionally, follow companies and recruiters to stay updated on job opportunities and industry trends.

Join professional groups such as those run by industry associations like the IET and IET EngX to network with like-minded professionals. Follow industry news sources to stay informed about the latest developments.

Tips for leveraging each social media platform:


As the most popular social network for professional use, an up-to-date profile for employers and recruiters to find is an absolute must. LinkedIn is also great for joining discussions and building your network. Essentially, it’s a powerful online CV or portfolio, so it’s important to keep your career history and expertise updated.

Maintain an updated and professional LinkedIn profile that highlights your skills and experiences. Use keywords relevant to your industry to increase visibility. Ensure consistency between your online profile and traditional CV.


While more personal in nature, Facebook can still be useful for staying informed about companies and industry news. It can help you keep up-to-date with both the organisation and gain insights into their culture and activities, as well as help keep up with latest industry trends.


X is ideal for gaining insights from industry leaders and companies. Follow organisations you're interested in and engage with their content. Retweet relevant posts and use direct messaging sparingly and professionally.

By strategically utilising social media platforms, you can enhance your job search efforts and position yourself as a proactive and informed candidate in the eyes of potential employers.