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Ten must have skills that’ll get you hired

Communication skills

These can be language, writing or presentation skills, as well as your ability to convey thoughts, opinions, suggestions, questions and answers in a clear and professional manner. Listening is also an important part of communication, one that is often overlooked. If you listen well, you’ll be able to ask much better questions.

Job skills

These are flexible, depending upon the company and the hiring manager. You obviously need to have many of the skills they ask for in the job spec but don’t worry too much if you don’t check them all off the list. If an employer likes you enough, they’ll even take you on with 50-70% of the required job skills.

Multiple skill sets

While some employers might still be happy to hire someone with one highly specialised skill, most employers will now go out of their way to hire those who bring multiple skill areas with them. For example, engineering and computer science, or science and business.

Willingness to learn

It’s extremely attractive to employers when a candidate is inspired by continued learning and development. Learning doesn’t end after university and showing a willingness to pick up new skills will go a long way. It doesn’t even have to be work-related skills, tai chi or photography, for example, are also great ways of showing that you always want to enrich your mind.


Absolutely no one wants to hire the wild individualist who refuses to fit into a team. but remember that employers need you to give examples of this skill. Talk about how you worked successfully with a team in a competition and how you overcame the difficulties of working with multiple personalities.

Customer service

You don’t have to be working in a call centre to need customer service skills. For example, if you’re an assistant then your boss is your customer. Your job is to make the customer’s life easier, so discuss how you take initiative and complete tasks before being asked.


Being too rigid in an industry that is subject to constant change isn’t an attractive quality. Talk about how you’re always happy to roll with the punches and adapt to new circumstances. Go one step further and give your thoughts on why change can be positive for a business.


Although not grammatically correct, it’s a word recruiters use often. Employers want to hire someone who can be moulded to grow within the company. They’ll pick up on this skill based on a gut feeling developed during your interview and is influenced by a combination of rapport, intelligent answers and a healthy dose of inquisitiveness and energy.


All employees should have the ability to sell their company’s services. It might not be an active part of your role but it’s always a bonus skill to have. Being able to demonstrate how you’ve won business for a previous company will come off as an impressive ability.