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How to prepare for a telephone interview

Before the interview

Research and prepare for your interview by looking into the company and planning for possible questions you may be asked. This means having a ready list of examples where you’ve proved your competence. You should also think about a couple of questions to ask the employer - make them good ones!

Remember that phone interviews can feel a little unnatural, making it harder to build rapport. Practice with friends or family, even by yourself in the mirror, before the real thing.

Make sure you’ve found the right space to take the call. This should be a quiet environment where you won’t be interrupted. If you’re at home, switch off the TV and put all phones on silent.

On the day

Even though no one will see you, dressing smartly can help you get into your interview zone. If you’re nervous, focus on speaking slowly and clearly during the call, as your voice is the only part of you they have to go on. Consider standing up during the call as this can make you feel more confident, plus the extra air in your lungs will help ensure your speech is measured and controlled.

And finally, don’t forget to smile. Your body language is useless in this situation so you need to get your enthusiasm across using your voice. It’s been proven that a smile can really resonate down the phone, making you more likeable.