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Psychometric tests simplified

Types of test

Personality-based tests measure motivation, working behaviour and the type of environment you like to work in. You’ll be asked questions about leading and deciding, interacting and presenting and organising and executing. Your answers will help employers see how you’re likely to perform in a particular role, team or company culture.

Ability tests cover things like verbal or numerical reasoning and will measure the extent to which you are able to perform specific tasks. You might be asked to solve numerical problems based on real business data or to answer questions about a paragraph of business relevant text.

Tips for tackling the tests

  • Practice and preparation are key. Before starting on the real thing, do a few trial runs online with practice tests. When you’re ready to start the real test, make sure you read all the instructions and any guides provided. Ask questions if you’re unsure about anything.
  • Answer honestly. The tests aren’t designed to trick you. Employers need to gain a real understanding of who you are and how you work. in fact, some employers will often follow up to verify your answers and make sure it was really you taking the test.
  • Answer the tests in a quiet, comfortable place and give yourself plenty of time.