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Ben Hedges

Venturing into engineering

Ben’s interest in STEM subjects during school, coupled with the influence of his uncle working in the engineering field, laid the groundwork for a future in this exciting and dynamic industry.

After receiving his GCSE results, Ben was fortunate to be offered a four-year apprenticeship at the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) in marine electrical and electronic engineering. This experience not only provided him with hands-on training but also instilled in him a passion for engineering.

During his apprenticeship at the RNLI, Ben immersed himself in learning the essential skills required to become an Electronics Technician.

His dedication and commitment to mastering his craft resulted in him securing a full-time position as an Electronics Technician at the RNLI, marking the beginning of his professional journey.

“At school I always enjoyed and did well in the STEM subjects, with the hope of being able to do something in that area in the future.”

Expanding his skillset

Ben made an important career choice when he transitioned to the role of a Quality Technician. This shift pushed him beyond his comfort zone, getting him to expand his knowledge into areas such as mechanical systems, composites, and maritime coatings. His skillset aided the foundation for his roles and demonstrated his adaptability within the engineering landscape.

Ben's career at the RNLI reached new heights as he started his role as a Production Support Engineer on the Severn Life Extension Project (SLEP). Contributing to the extension of the service life of Severn-class lifeboats, this role showcased Ben's engineering expertise and marked a significant milestone in his career.

“Whilst in the role, I undertook my Professional Registration application and achieved my Incorporated status”

After over 11 successful years at the RNLI, Ben looked for a fresh challenge in a different sector and environment. This led him to his current role as a Project Engineer for the Ministry of Defence. In this, he plays a vital role in supporting Royal Navy capability development and ensuring the seamless integration of new concepts and equipment into business as usual.

Professional recognition and becoming an Incorporated Engineer

Ben's commitment to professional growth led him to become a member of the IET. Recognising the importance of Professional Registration, he accessed various resources on the IET website, compiled evidence, and used our self-assessment tool, Career Manager. After using this, he was able to determine what level of Professional Registration he was ready to apply for.

Ben had a wealth of varied experience to use as evidence. He used his technical expertise gained through various projects and activities in his career to showcase the knowledge and understanding required for his incorporated application.

The self-assessment proved invaluable in identifying any gaps in his evidence and provided reassurance. His preparation for the registration interview involved thorough documentation and seeking feedback from his PRA to ensure his materials were suitable.

“I prepared all of the required materials and supporting evidence and sought out further feedback from my PRA just to make sure what I had prepared was suitable for the interview.”

Success and giving back

Becoming an Incorporated Engineer not only opened up numerous career opportunities for Ben but also granted him access to additional learning and networking opportunities through the IET. For him, success is about giving back, whether by helping others develop professionally or volunteering to promote engineering to younger generations. “I would like to give back to the engineering community and help people with their professional journey.”

Tips for aspiring engineers

After going through the process himself, Ben has gathered some advice for those who are looking to pursue Professional Registration.

  • Ensure a thorough application, choose two diverse examples for the presentation, and consult a Professional Registration Advisor for support, “The advice I received helped finalise my application and provide me with the reassurance that my application was ready for submission.”
  • Provide as much evidence as possible in the application and self-assessment. “This made the interview a more relaxed experience as I’d already demonstrated a vast array of examples for the accessors.”

As Ben continues his journey, he remains eager to explore opportunities to give back to the engineering community and assist others on their professional journeys. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring engineers navigating the intricate path to becoming an Incorporated Engineer.