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Thomas Wakefield

IEng at 22 years old

Thomas Wakefield, 22, is a Lean Improvement Engineer at Balfour Beatty. His role is to support, manage and deliver continuous improvement and efficiency projects across the Transportation, Energy, Power and Major Projects Infrastructure Division.

“My typical working day involves working with colleagues and supply chain partners to create and sustain a culture that contributes to achieving the project commitments and wider business strategies,” he explains.

He’s always enjoyed tackling complex problems, and the challenge of finding practical and efficient ways to address issues is what inspired him to become an engineer.

He began his career as a composite engineering apprentice in the space industry, after which he transitioned to the role of a Continuous Improvement Coordinator.

After some time in this role, he moved to the construction industry, where he progressed to his current role.

Understanding the importance of Professional Registration

Thomas recognised the importance of Professional Registration, and its impact on his progression, early in his career. And so, it was on the completion of his apprenticeship, that he first reached out to the IET to seek guidance and was connected to an experienced mentor through the IET Career Manager tool.

“Career Manager has helped me a lot as it offers tools and resources to help identify career goals, create development plans and track my progress. I can explore different career paths, understand the skills and qualifications required, and create a roadmap for professional growth,” he explains.

“As well as this, Career Manager offers resources for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), such as training programmes, webinars, and conferences. By using Career Manager, I can access learning materials, track my CPD hours and stay informed about the latest advancements and trends in my field.”

Thomas’ professional engineering journey

Thomas began his journey by learning the requirements and competencies necessary for Professional Registration as an Engineering Technician (EngTech).

He then prepared his application, highlighting his practical experience and technical knowledge gained during his apprenticeship and went on to successfully achieve EngTech registration.

“Building upon this accomplishment, I expressed my desire to work towards the registration of Incorporated Engineer (IEng),” Thomas says. “My IET mentor, familiar with my capabilities and aspirations, supported and guided me throughout the entire process.”

Working towards IEng

To begin, they reviewed IEng requirements and discussed areas where Thomas needed further development.

Once he had the required competences under his belt, they ensured his application was well structured and thorough, demonstrating the necessary competences, expertise and commitment to ongoing professional development.

“It enabled me to showcase my technical knowledge, practical experience and alignment with the IET’s competency framework,” he says.

Upon completing the application, he attended his Professional Registration interview, which he recalls as a positive experience.

“The interviewers were incredibly professional and welcoming. They created a warm and friendly atmosphere, making the entire interview process more comfortable and enjoyable,” he says. “They showed genuine interest in my experiences and accomplishments and actively listened and engaged with my responses, which made me feel valued as a candidate”

Professional Registration interview advice

For anyone who is about to face this interview, Thomas offers the following advice.

“Make sure to familiarise yourself with the relevant codes of conduct, professional standards and ethical guidelines in your field. Demonstrating your knowledge and commitment to following best practices will definitely leave a positive impression on the interviewers.

“Additionally, seek guidance from professionals who have previously undergone successful interviews. Learning from their experiences can offer helpful advice on what the interviewers are specifically looking for.”

Just a few weeks later Thomas received the news that his application for IEng registration was successful.

“I’m particularly grateful to the IET for recognising my BTEC and NVQ qualification and experience, despite not holding a bachelor’s degree,” he says.

“This reinforces my belief that Professional Registration isn’t solely dependent on formal education, but also considers the knowledge, skills and competence gained through practical experience.”

He also notes that the support of his IET mentor was invaluable during his application processes for both EngTech and IEng.

“They provided me with helpful information when it came to understanding the requirements and standards set by the registration framework. This made the process much clearer and less daunting,” he notes. “My mentor also provided me with timely feedback on my application documents, offering constructive suggestions for improvement,” he adds.

How Professional Registration benefits Thomas’ career

Thomas strongly believes that achieving Professional Registration demonstrates to employers, clients and colleagues that he’s met the required standards of competence, experience and professionalism set by the IET.

“It adds credibility to my qualifications and enhances my professional reputation,” he says.

“From my employer’s perspective, Professionally Registered staff bring valuable expertise and knowledge to an organisation. It shows that I’ve undergone formal education, training and Professional Development to acquire my registration,” he adds.

Next steps and advice

Thomas’ next step professionally, is to begin working towards Chartered Engineer (CEng) registration.

“This signifies a different level of competence, responsibility and leadership within the engineering profession and will require me to demonstrate further professional experience, competencies and a commitment to continuous learning,” he says.

He concludes with the following advice to anyone starting the registration process.

“Start by researching the professional organisation or certification you are interested in and determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for registration. After this, prepare all the necessary documentation required for registration and complete the application form accurately and thoroughly.

“Make the most of your membership by actively participating in the organisation’s events, webinars, forums and networking opportunities,” he continues. “Engaging with fellow members will not only expand your professional network but also provide additional learning and career development opportunities.”