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Joseph Carville

Joseph Carville IEng MIET, started his engineering career when he joined the Royal Navy in 2009 as an Aircraft Technician, working just over 4 years on the Merlin Helicopter, both MK1 and MK3. He also worked in other roles in places such as RAF Linton on Ouse, Hitachi Rail, and CAF working alongside the Train Operating Company.

After a short period of working at Hitachi Rail as a Lead Technician, he then secured a role as a Technical Support Engineer for Northern. This role introduced him to the processes and engineering support required from a train operating company and after a year he was promoted to his current role as Class 331 Fleet Engineer.

Joseph often looked at engineers and saw himself as one. “Being an engineer allows me to be creative and think logically to problem solve and innovate”. He wanted to be at the forefront of innovation and to do that, he wanted to achieve Professional Registration.  

As an engineer for Northern Trains, Joseph works on reviewing engineering change, documentation, investigations, technical support for complex faults, and working with key stakeholders. His work on this is vital as it revolves around the safety and reliability of the Class 331 fleet.

From EngTech to IEng

Joseph had already obtained his EngTech status with the IET. After reviewing the Incorporated Engineering competencies, he felt an IEng title would be better suited to his goals and ambitions. “I spent about 6 months collecting and documenting evidence from me and old projects, it was at this point, that I reached out for a Professional Registration Advisor”.

Even though Joseph has had experience applying for a Professional Registration title before, he still understood that the process can feel quite daunting, and therefore knew a PRA would be able to help and offer him the guidance he needed. He also utilised the IET’s Career Manager tool which he said made “the application process straightforward”.

“The process seemed daunting at times but with the push from my PRA, I got my application submitted and the guidance provided was invaluable and helped to ensure a successful outcome”.

Interviewing for IEng

Upcoming interviews can make even the best of us nervous, and this was no different for Joseph. “The thought of the interview was far worse than the actual interview,” Joseph tells us.

Our Professional Review Interviewers are a specialist team of volunteers who have been in the same position as you. “They made me feel relaxed and the interview felt more like a professional conversation, rather than an interview”.

His advice to others would be to “prepare your presentation in advance.” You can prepare yourself by rereading your application, checking off the competencies or watching helpful IET videos.

Discovering the benefit of Incorporated Engineer

Ever since Joseph was awarded his IEng title, he has been able to secure a senior position in his workplace. He believes the IEng title has instilled confidence in stakeholders that he is a competent engineer, which has made discussions easier.

Joseph has also seen the benefit of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) which has given him a broader level of knowledge, which later led him to pursue a master’s degree. “Success to me, means continuous progress and learning”.

Joseph has also found the IET Professional Development courses to be extremely accessible and helpful towards continuing his development. “I attend many of the online events as they’re super easy to join as an IET member and especially when you have to work around a family schedule”.

Next steps and advice

Now that Joseph has achieved his Incorporated Engineer title, he’s looking towards applying for Chartered Engineer with the IET. He believes with the support of his PRA, the IET and his newfound abilities, he’s ready to submit an application.

Joseph shares key advice with us:

  • Speak with colleagues who are Professionally Registered for advice.
  • Contact a Professional Registration Advisor as soon as possible, as a PRA will be the best person to advise on completing the application.
  • Career Manager makes the process simpler for applying for Professional Registration, with the ability to log your CPD and check yourself against the UK SPEC competencies.
  • Keep on top of your CPD by attending courses and lectures with the IET.