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International Engineering Technician

  • Australia (Engineers Australia)
  • Canada (The Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists)
  • Ireland (Engineers Ireland)
  • Hong Kong China (The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
  • New Zealand (Engineering New Zealand)
  • South Africa (The Engineering Council of South Africa)
  • United Kingdom (Engineering Council).

Am I eligible?

  • You need to be anIET Member and Engineering Technician or ICT Technician
  • be registered as an Engineering Technician (EngTech) or Information and Communications Technology Technician (ICTTech) with the Engineering Council for a period of no less than 12 months. Interested registrants who have not yet been professionally registered for 12 months should contact the Engineering Council before applying.
  • have, in applying for EngTech/ICTTech registration, demonstrated appropriate professional competence including underpinning knowledge and understanding to the level required by the Agreement for International Engineering Technicians
  • be currently practising engineering or information and communications technology at an appropriate level
  • be maintaining relevant continuing professional development

How do I apply?

  • Download the application form from theEngineering Council. The Engineering Council offers guidance on filling it out.
  • Pay an initial fee of £105, plus £60 every five years for renewal, through the Engineering Council.

If you have any queries please contact the registration team on