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International Professional Engineer (IntPE)

International Professional Engineers Agreement jurisdictions

  • Australia (The Institution of Engineers Australia)
  • Canada (The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers)
  • Chinese Taipei (Chinese Institute of Engineers)
  • Hong Kong China (The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
  • India (Institution of Engineers India)
  • Ireland (Engineers Ireland)
  • Japan (The Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan)
  • Korea (The Korean Professional Engineers Association)
  • Malaysia (The Board of Engineers Malaysia)
  • New Zealand (Engineering New Zealand)
  • Pakistan (Pakistan Engineering Council)
  • Singapore (Institution of Engineers Singapore)
  • South Africa (The Engineering Council of South Africa)
  • Sri Lanka (Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka)
  • United Kingdom (Engineering Council)
  • United States (The US Council for International Engineering Practice).

Am I eligible?

  • You need to be an IET Member who is registered as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) with the IET.
  • Your qualifications must include an accredited degree or equivalent.
  • You need seven years of post-grad experience and two years of responsibility for significant engineering works.
  • You must be maintaining continuous professional development to an appropriate standard.

How do I apply?

  • Get your application form from the Engineering Council. The Engineering Council offers guidance on filling it out.
  • Pay an initial fee of £105, plus £60 every five years for renewal, through the Engineering Council.