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International agreements

Once you’re a professionally registered Member of the IET, you may be eligible to apply for professional registration using an international agreement. For registration with Engineers Ireland, Engineering New Zealand, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Kuwait Society of Engineers registrants should contact the appropriate international partner by using one of the links provided below:

Please contact the Engineering Council directly if you are interested in becoming professionally registered with Ordem dos Engenheiros or the Idaho Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers, providing your registration details and specifying the agreement you wish to use.  Please note that registrants who have attained IEng or CEng through experiential learning only are not eligible for KSE membership under the terms of the agreement.  If you are interested in becoming registered with the AIPE or APQE, please contact the IET.

Incoming engineer - Am I eligible?

You can apply to extend your professional registration if you are a member of The Asociacion de Ingenieros de Espańa (AIPE), The Agency for Qualifications of Professional Engineers (AQPE), Engineers Ireland, Engineering New Zealand, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, the Idaho Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers or the Ordem dos Engenheiros, providing that you have addressed the following criteria:

  • have been registered with one of the institutions via their full assessment process. This may include completing a Professional Interview, Professional Assessment or Interactive Assessment.
  • have a Washington Accord(CEng), Sydney Accord (IEng), Dublin Accord (EngTech) or equivalent qualification.  Applicants who have undergone assessments, such as undergoing the Knowledge Assessment process (EngNZ), assessment of non-accredited qualification (EI), Professional Evaluation (OE) or the AIPE and AQPE alternative routes are also eligible.
  • have not applied through another agreement.

Please note that the agreements provide exemption from part of the application process.  However, a Professional Review Interview (PRI) or further information can be requested at the discretion of the Registration Panel.

Please see below the categories of membership/registration under the agreements and the corresponding UK professional registration categories:

Institution Criteria Category
HKIE MHKIE - Member of HKIE in relevant discipline. Chartered Engineer (CEng)
HKIE AMHKIE - Member of HKIE in relevant discipline. Incorporated Engineer (IEng)
EI Chartered Engineer (CEng) Chartered Engineer (CEng)
EI Associate Engineer (AEng) Incorporated Engineer (IEng)
EI Engineering Technician (EngTech) Engineering Technician (EngTech)
EngNZ Chartered Member - CMEngNZ/Chartered Professional Engineer – CPEng. Chartered Engineer (CEng)
EngNZ Chartered Member – CMEngNZ/Engineering Technologist  - Eng. Technologist. Incorporated Engineer (IEng)
EngNZ Chartered Member – CMEngNZ/ Engineering Technician – Eng Tech. Engineering Technician (EngTech)
Idaho Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers Professional Engineer (P.E) Chartered Engineer (CEng)
OE (Portugal) Engenheiro Sénior 2 (Nivel 2) Chartered Engineer (CEng)
AQPE - Agency for Qualifications of Professional Engineers (AQPE), Spain Expert Professional Engineer/Senior Professional Engineer Incorporated Engineer (IEng)/Chartered Engineer (CEng)
AIPE - Asociacion de Ingenieros Profesionales de España (Spain) Expert Professional Engineer/Senior Professional Engineer Chartered Engineer (CEng)
Netherlands Royal Society of Engineering (KIVI) Fellow Incorporated Engineer (FIEng NL)/ Fellow Chartered Engineer (FCEng NL) Incorporated Engineer (IEng)/Chartered Engineer (CEng)

How do I apply to the IET for Professional Registration using an agreement?

  • To be able to initiate the application process for professional registration, you need to join the IET.*
  • Complete the appropriate application form or apply using ‘Career Manager’, the IET’s skills recording and development tool.*
  • Provide all supporting documentation (academic qualifications and certificates).
  • Provide evidence to show you’ve met all the competence/commitment requirements as listed in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC).
  • Include the application fee.
  • Provide a record of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
  • Your application needs to be signed/verified by a supporter.
  • Get a Professional Registration Advisor to review your application before submission.

*Candidates who are registered with the Ordem do Engenheiros as an Engenheiro Sénior 2 (Nivel 2), the AIPE and AQPE as an Senior Professional Engineer/Expert Professional Engineer and KIVI who are Fellow Chartered Engineer (FCEng NL) or a Fellow Incorporated Engineer (FIEng NL), who are not members of the IET and wish to apply for CEng registration, should first contact the Ordem, AIPE, AQPE or KIVI to initiate the IET membership and registration processes.  Candidates who are already members of the IET should contact the Registration & Standards International Advisor, using the email address provided below.