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Application process

The application process must be completed online.

Read the questions and requirements and answer all questions fully to tell us about yourself.

This information will be used to decide whether to take your application further or not.

Assessment centre

Some companies may include an assessment centre in their process.

If you’re invited to attend a company assessment centre, typical areas they’ll be looking for are your team working ability, communication, problem solving and organisational skills.

Interview steps for success

If you’re invited for an interview, here are some top tips to keep in mind:

  • Interview prep – research the company, know their programmes or roles, understand their recruitment criteria, prepare a list of questions you want to ask and take it along to the interview. Take a copy of your application form with you to the interview so that you can refer to it.
  • Plan your journey – be on time, don’t add to your stress levels by running late! It’s best to be calm, cool and collected.
  • Attitude – be positive! Approach the interview with confidence; smile, be enthusiastic, show how passionate you are for the opportunity.

Be yourself – don’t try to second guess what the company is looking for and don’t try to be something you’re not. If you do, then you’ll be hiding your qualities and strengths and ultimately presenting a mixed picture.