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Our ambition is to achieve net zero by 2030

The scheme is designed to help us measure and understand our environmental impact, and then guide us on how we can take action to reduce it.

Different parts of a business carry different impacts. We are measured against targets We are measured against targets around these six areas:

  • Staff
  • Energy
  • Travel
  • Procurement
  • Waste
  • Water.

A lot of work has gone into measuring our greenhouse gas emissions and setting improvement targets over the past few years.

After achieving bronze accreditation in 2021 from Investors in the Environment (IIE), we’ve worked hard to put measurement frameworks in place to monitor our resource consumption across our UK buildings and build upon our sustainable credentials.

These have all contributed to us receiving silver accreditation from Investors in the Environment.

We’ve reduced our carbon footprint by an impressive 45% and have reduced our resource consumption.

Here are some of the highlights from the report:

  • Our 2030 strategy has put sustainability and climate change as one of the societal challenges from which we’ve developed a UK Environmental Sustainability Policy.
  • Colleagues have demonstrated an excellent understanding of resource challenges and opportunities within each building operated by the IET.
  • Significant refurbishments have improved the building fabric and system operation to make our UK buildings more efficient with Futures Place achieving BREEAM Excellent status.
  • Our UK venues have achieved Eco Award Platinum, with the aim of achieving the Green Tourism Meetings Award. Data management and use of metering allows the venues to provide more accurate carbon data for any event operated within its spaces.
  • We have introduced a waste management matrix for each site that clearly sets in place the policies required to ensure all waste is managed according to the waste hierarchy, with a view to minimise unnecessary and general waste.
  • As well as highlighting the progress we’ve made over the past 12 months, the report also recommends some tangible actions that we can take to further reduce our impact on the environment in the months ahead.

Investors in the Environment said: “The IET has achieved Silver Level certification as they continue to demonstrate excellent leadership and staff engagement, have shown continued development in environmental management, including good practices and communication across their sites, and they have shown significant development in data analytics from which purpose-led actions have been introduced to achieve reductions in resource use.”

More about Investors in the Environment accreditation

Investors in the Environment accreditation requires an organisation to provide evidence that it has met a range of pre-defined criteria, set targets to reduce its environmental impact and improve its performance whilst enhancing the community in which it operates.

Evidence is presented at an annual audit to evaluate the organisation’s performance and to identify areas for continued improvement.

For more information, please check out the Investors in the Environment website.

Find out how you can begin your net zero journey with help from the iiE.