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Our governance structure and how to get involved

Our organisation is governed by an elected Board of Trustees which manages our property and affairs in accordance with the Royal Charter and Bye-laws. The Board of Trustees is supported by a number of Main Boards and Committees.

Here you can find out the purpose of our Board of Trustees, Main Boards and Committees, the term and commitment, person specifications for members and how you can express your interest or apply.

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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees comprises the charity trustees of the IET and meets regularly throughout the year to conduct the business of the IET in accordance with the Royal Charter and Bye-laws.

The Trustees have established a structure of Boards and Committees from within the membership to monitor and control key areas of the IET.

This includes three Main Boards – Knowledge Services and Solutions, Membership and Professional Development, and Volunteer Engagement.

Three years

Member specification
IET Member, Fellow or Honorary Fellow

You can find more information on our ‘Requirements for Board of Trustees, Main Boards and Committee members’ web page.

Seven meetings per year.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Call for nominations - November.
Closing date for nominations - January.
Election - February.

Application process
For more information, please contact us at or visit the Board of Trustees web pages.


Council is a consultative body that tenders advice to the Board of Trustees and promotes a culture of continuous improvement.

It has the right and responsibility of:

  • tendering advice to the Board of Trustees concerning the conduct of the IET’s affairs generally, including its direction and strategy, and on any other matters referred to it by the Board of Trustees
  • communicating views that are representative of the range of views of members of the IET on these and other matters to the Board of Trustees
  • monitoring the governance of the IET and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

Three years

Member specification
IET member

You can find more information on our ‘Council person specification’ web page.

Three meetings per year.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Call for nominations - November.
Closing date for nominations - January.
Election - February.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Council web pages.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Board


  • To be responsible to the Board of Trustees for the planning and implementation of the IET’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy in terms of its membership, volunteers, and within the wider engineering and technology sector.
  • To provide assurance to the Board of Trustees concerning the effective delivery of strategic programmes as delegated by the Board of Trustees.
  • To monitor performance of strategic programmes as delegated by the Board of Trustees.

Three years.

Member specification
IET member.

Three meetings per year, and ad hoc virtual work in between meetings.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Board web page.

Audit and Risk Process Committee


  • To review and manage all matters relating to internal and external audits and risk management processes.
  • To approve the internal audit programme.
  • To review and advise on the IET’s procedures for detecting fraud and preventing bribery.
  • To review the annual financial statements. To ensure compliance with Delegated Authorisations.

Three years.

Member specification
IET member.

Four meetings per year.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Audit and Risk Process Committee web page.

Disciplinary Board

To hear and adjudicate on allegations of misconduct against IET members referred to it from the Preliminary Investigation Panel and (where necessary) impose sanctions against members who are found to have breached the IET’s Rules of Conduct.

Three years, with the option to renew for one further term of three years subject to satisfactory performance, continued eligibility and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Member specification
IET Member, Fellow or Honorary Fellow.

Flexibility required.

Variable depending on the nature of the matter referred. Likely to be up to 10 days per annum.

Must be able to dedicate time to:

  • replying to emails
  • reading papers
  • attending hearings
  • attending training and briefing sessions.

A hearing generally lasts one day, but it may last several days if the case is particularly complex. Hearings take place in the daytime, usually starting at 9.30 am.

Recruitment frequency
As required and announced in Member News.

Application process
Download the information and application pack [PDF, 2174KB] and submit your application by 19 May 2023.

Successful applicants will be invited to interview.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at

Finance and Investment Committee

To oversee the IET financial framework, the financial performance of the IET, the budgeting process, the management of investments, the performance of the portfolios managed by the investment advisers, significant internal investments and projects, and any detailed financial issues outside the scope of the Audit and Risk Process Committee.

Three years.

Member specification
IET member.

Four meetings per year.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Finance and Investment Committee web page.

Nominations and Succession Committee


  • To make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for suitable candidates for election or appointment to positions on Boards and Committees, seeking to achieve a balance of skills, demographics, diversity, sectoral knowledge and international membership.
  • To provide a robust and transparent process that is open and attractive to candidates.
  • To manage the lists of potential candidates for current and future positions.
  • To monitor nomination and election processes. To make recommendations for honours and awards.

One or three years.

Member specification
IET member.

Three meetings per year.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
All positions are ex officio, or appointed by the Board of Trustees or Council.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Nominations and Succession Committee web page.

Policy and Insight Panels


  • Provide independent timely advice to influence government policy.
  • Convene cross-sector discussions with volunteer experts to inspire insightful thinking.
  • Engage with engineering communities to produce evidence-based thought leadership.
  • Inform the public through accessible and trusted content.

There are ten panels covering the following topics: Digital, Innovation and Skills, Energy, Engineering Health and Safety, Healthcare, Built Environment, Manufacturing, Transport, and for the UK devolved administrations of Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Three years, with a possible extension of a further three years with the agreement of the Policy and Insight Manager.

Panel members will normally step down and leave the Panel within six months of retirement or following a non-relevant career change.

Member specification

  • IET membership is preferred, but not required
  • Working at a current senior-level and knowledgeable in their field
  • A high-level understanding of the topic area
  • Preferably has experience and understanding of the policy process.

Two physical meetings per year with working group meetings in between. Review documentation/plans during the year.

Chairs are also required to represent the Sector at Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Chairs Meetings twice a year.

Recruitment frequency
Appointments are made to address identified skills needs.

Application process
Appointment of members is made by agreement of the relevant Policy and Insights Panel Chair and associated Lead. Appointments will be based on the recognition of relevant expertise and appropriate position within the topic area of the Panel.

Chair appointments are made by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Nominations and Succession Committee.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at

You can find more information about our Policy Panel members and chairs and our Expert Panels on our website.

Policy Oversight Committee


  • To support the IET role and ambitions in the advancement of science, engineering and technology through its focus on evidence-based thought leadership and policy.
  • To ensure cross-sector working with key stakeholders from industry and academia to gather evidence and insight to influence government and policymakers.
  • To provide independent and timely advice and evidence to inform the IET’s key stakeholders; government, industry and academia and society.
  • To increase the IET's influence over government policy on matters to do with engineering and technology and establish a strong identity as a trusted authority.
  • To assure the Board of Trustees that the focus of the Policy and Insight Panels remains relevant to the Institution’s strategy.

Three years

Member specification
IET member

Three meetings per year, and ad hoc virtual work in between meetings.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Appointed by the Board of Trustees

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Policy Oversight Committee webpage.

Preliminary Investigation Board


  • To consider complaints and allegations of misconduct referred to it from the Complaint Secretary
  • To order (where appropriate) a full investigation into the matter being carried out, and
  • To determine if the matter should be referred to the Disciplinary Board.

Three years, with the option to renew for one further term of three years subject to satisfactory performance, continued eligibility and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Member specification
IET Member, Fellow or Honorary Fellow.

Flexibility required.

Commitment is variable depending on the nature of the matters referred. Likely to be between five and fifteen days per annum.

Must be able to dedicate time to:

  • reading papers
  • attending meetings with other PIP members where necessary
  • replying to emails
  • writing/contributing to reports, and
  • attending training and briefing sessions.

Recruitment frequency
As required and announced in Member News.

Application process
Download the information and application pack [PDF, 2174KB] and submit your application by 19 May 2023.

Successful applicants will be invited to interview.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at

Remuneration Committee

To approve:

  • the employment contracts, annual salary and remuneration review and any termination agreements for the Chief Executive and Secretary and the Executive Team
  • the employment policy for all staff, including pension schemes, and any general arrangements for performance-related pay
  • the annual salary budget changes and material changes to staff costs, fees and other remuneration to be paid to any Trustee
  • offers of non-executive directorship or other external appointment made to the Chief Executive and Secretary or members of the Executive Team, whether remunerated or not.

Three years.

Member specification
IET member.

Two meetings per year.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
All positions are ex officio.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Remuneration Committee web page.


Our governance structure chart shows you how our Board of Trustees, Main Boards and Committees all fit together.

If you would like any further information, please contact our Volunteer Support Unit on