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Membership and Professional Development Board and reporting bodies

Membership and Professional Development Board (MPDB)


  • To be responsible to the Board of Trustees for oversight of the IET’s portfolio of membership and professional development products and services, and for its charitable activities in education.
  • To provide assurance to the Board of Trustees concerning the effective delivery of strategic programmes as delegated by the Board of Trustees.
  • To monitor the performance of strategic programmes as delegated by the Board of Trustees.

Three years (may be mutually extended to retain specific expertise, although Appointed members cannot exceed a six-year term).

Member specification
IET member.

You can find more information on our MPD person specification web page.

Three meetings per year, and adhoc virtual work in between meetings.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Membership and Professional Development Board (MPDB) web page.

Registration and Standards Committee

Responsibility for:

  • the supervision of the assessment of applications for Professional Registration and Fellowship
  • the processes for the accreditation of apprenticeships, academic programmes and employer development schemes and approvals of qualifications on behalf of the Membership and Professional Development Board
  • for the development and maintenance of the benchmark standards against which individuals and schemes are assessed.

Three years (exceptionally may be extended by one year, where appropriate).

Member specification
IET Member or Fellow.

Engineering Council registered Engineer or Technician.

Experience in an active role on an IET Committee or Group, or represent the interests, in an IET volunteer capacity, of one or more of:

  • Industry
  • Education Providers
  • Professional Development
  • Professional Registration Advisors
  • Assessors, Moderators and Registrars
  • Professional Review Interviewers
  • Accreditation (Apprenticeships, Academic and Professional Development).

Four meetings per annum.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Responding to a call for nominations from Registration and Standards Support Unit.

Completion of application form required.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our volunteer vacancies board.

Fellowship Policy Committee


  • To set the policy for the award of Fellow of the IET (FIET) and to oversee the operational aspects of such awards on behalf of the Registration and Standards Committee (R&SC).
  • To set the policy for the promotion of Fellow of the IET.
  • To set the policy for the engagement with Fellows as ambassadors and volunteers for the IET.

Three years.

Member specification
IET Fellow

Fellow Assessor of at least two years’ standing.

Members serve a three-year term.

Members shall act as Chair on Fellow Assessment panels, relevant to their area of expertise.

A minimum of three meetings are held each session (year running October to September), plus ad hoc meetings at the discretion of the Chair of the FPC.

Members are expected to actively participate in meetings and activities between meetings.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Responding to a call for nominations from the Registration and Standards Support Unit.

Completion of application form required.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our volunteer vacancies board.

Academic Accreditation Committee (AAC)


To develop, implement and review policies and procedures for the accreditation of academic programmes that either contribute to or satisfy, the current and future educational requirements for Chartered and Incorporated Engineers, taking into account the current and future needs of the industry.

Three years, followed by an annual review.

Member specification

  • IET member.
  • Normally professionally registered as CEng or IEng
  • Experienced and active accreditors with leadership capability and a
    demonstrable interest in, and commitment to, the accreditation process.
  • Be able to lead teams and help them arrive at consensual, fair and unbiased
  • Take a leading role in pre and post-visit accreditation activity.
  • Normally they are Fellows of the IET.

Minimum commitment - seven days per year plus one day of training.

Chair - at least one visit. A visit also involves one to two days for preparation in advance of the visit and one day for producing the report following the visit.

Attend three committee meetings per year plus a teleconference once a month.

This role also involves travelling to the UK and non-UK destinations.

Recruitment frequency
Applications are invited from all Academic Accreditors in the Spring of each year.

Application process
Interested applicants should express interest by submitting a completed application form, including an explanation of how they fit the criteria in the person specification.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our Academic Accreditation Committee (AAC) web page.

Professional Development Operations Committee (PDOC)


  • To develop, implement and review policies and procedures for the assessment of Employers’ Schemes of Professional Development to satisfy the requirements for qualifications offered by the Institution
  • To develop, implement and review policies and procedures for the approval of Apprenticeship Schemes to satisfy the requirements for the Institution's qualifications
  • On behalf of the IET, to grant accreditation of Professional Development Schemes and approval of Apprenticeship Schemes.

Three years, followed by an annual review.

Member specification
Member of the IET.

  • Professionally registered as CEng or IEng.
  • An experienced member of the Accreditation Assessment Team.

Attend 2 PDOC meetings per year.

Participate in a minimum of 2 accreditation visits per year.

Support the visit process, contribute to written reports and be willing/able to accept sizeable electronic application material for pre-visit review.

Recruitment frequency
The Committee is reviewed on an annual basis to consider appointing members from the Assessment Team and inviting current members to stand down and continue in the role as an Assessor.

The rotation policy should enable all interested parties the opportunity to sit on the main committee.

Application process
Applications by invitation only.

Members are chosen from the Assessment Team by current PDOC members.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at

Registration Group

The operational responsibility for the assessment of applications for registration on behalf of the Registration and Standards Committee, which in turn holds the delegated authority from the Membership and Professional Development Board, and the maintenance of the benchmark standards against which individuals are assessed.

Three years.

Member specification

  • Registration Group Members shall be Fellows, Members or Technician Members of the IET and an Engineering Council registered Engineer or Technician.
  • Registration Group Members shall have had experience in an active role on an IET Committee or Group, or represent the interests, in an IET volunteer capacity, of one or more of:
    • Industry
    • Education Providers
    • Professional Development
    • Professional Registration Advisors
    • Assessors, Moderators and Registrars
    • Professional Review Interviewers
    • Accreditation (Apprenticeships, Academic and Professional Development).
  • Registration Group Members should ideally be comfortable presenting material, such as co-facilitating Professional Registration volunteer training with staff.

Members serve a three-year term.

Four meetings are held each session (year running October to September), approximately every two to three months, and otherwise as required.

Members are expected to attend at least three meetings of each session, all four is preferable (the Committee may review a Member’s position if they miss three consecutive meetings).

Members are expected to review the agenda and all supporting papers before each meeting.

Members are expected to actively participate in meetings and activities between meetings, including a quarterly audit of professional registration applications and communicating Committee matters via the R&S Engineering Community group.

Members (on a rotational basis) are required to participate in a monthly virtual recruitment panel to review applications for potential volunteers applying for professional registration and fellowship roles.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Responding to a call for nominations from Registration and Standards Support Unit.

Completion of application form required.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our volunteer vacancies board.

Quality Assurance Committee

Responsible for the oversight of the Engineering Council licensed activity set by auditing, monitoring and providing advice to the Membership and Professional Development Board on the quality assurance of the processes.

Three years.

Member specification

  • IET Member / Fellow
  • Professionally Registered
  • Ability to judge competence for professional registration and/or employer training schemes and/or apprenticeship schemes and/or degree programmes; Experience of audit and process improvement
  • Experience of all registration categories.

Members serve a three-year term

Members will be asked to attend Audit training and Audit, held over two days, usually in April/May, involving half a day attendance at pre-audit training plus the following day and a half conducting the audit, time should also be allowed beforehand to review the audit cases and related documentation.

Members will also be asked to attend two quarterly audit meetings, and otherwise as required.

Members are expected to review the agenda and all supporting papers before each meeting and to actively participate in meetings and activities between meetings.

Recruitment frequency

Application process
Responding to a call for nominations from Registration and Standards Support Unit.

Completion of application form required.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at or visit our volunteer vacancies board.

Professional Development Advisory Committee

The Professional Development Advisory Committee review and develop the existing professional development policies for engineers at all career stages, ensuring they meet the needs of our members and the wider engineering community, including industry, government, etc.

Three years with a possible further three years for a maximum of two terms.

Member specification
IET membership is required, as well as actively recording CPD.

Minimum two days per year (two meetings are held each session), usually one virtual and one physical, and otherwise as required.

Members are expected to attend at least one meeting each session, attending all is preferable (the Committee may review a Member’s position if they miss three consecutive meetings).

Recruitment frequency
As required, but at least every three years.

Application process
Application form.

Application contact
For more information, please contact us at (FAO: PDAC Secretariat) or visit our Professional Development Advisory Committee web page.

Awards and Scholarships Committee

Responsibility of the strategy of the IET Awards and Prizes portfolio.

Oversight of IET Trust Funds related to awards and prizes. Decision makers in how Trust Funds are used when funding current and new awards to ensure responsible and acceptable use.

Responsible for reviewing and agreeing to new awards proposals that are part of the IET Awards and Prizes Portfolio.

All A&P Panels report to the ASC bi-annually at committee meetings. The ASC approve the membership of each panel.

The committee is composed of Awards and Prizes Panel Chairs and Independent members.

Three years but may be extended for panel Chairs depending on any developments/critical activities in a particular scheme.

Members cannot exceed six years.

Member specification
IET member.

Two meetings a year - currently virtual. Each lasts two hours.

Should be available for a special meeting should the need arise.

Ad hoc papers will be sent outside of the meeting for discussion and agreement.

Recruitment frequency
Every three years.

Application process
By invitation only.

Members can register their interest to be considered.

Application contact
For more information, please contact the Awards and Prizes Manager.