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Ten simple tips to reduce stress

It can manifest in many ways like quickened breath, sweaty palms and brain fog. It’s critical that you conquer these emotional and physical responses so that you can deal with anything life throws your way. Here are our 10 tips for stress relief.

  1. Think of someone you know who handles stress well. Use this person as a reminder that stress is a mind over matter situation.
  2. Switch up your mindset. It’s not a stressful situation - it’s a challenge.
  3. When stress hits, repeat positive phrases to yourself like, ‘I’m prepared, I can do this’ and ‘It’s just a conversation between two people’.
  4. A practice run will help prepare you and put your mind at ease.
  5. Approach situation that causes you stress hydrated and with a full stomach. Eat lightly to avoid stomach growls and indigestion. Water will also help with a dry mouth.
  6. Visualise your success and draw the worst-case scenario out of your mind, it never happens anyway.
  7. Practice deep breathing by taking deep breaths from the abdomen. The more oxygen you get, the less tense, short of breath and anxious you feel.
  8. Relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation are proven to help with all levels of stress.
  9. Rub the flesh between your finger and the thumb in a circular motion, it’s extremely soothing.
  10. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Remember that people are unaware of the things you lack confidence in and you have the power to steer the conversation towards your strengths.