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How to survive the first 100 days in a job


Many organisations post ‘day in the life’ or ‘what it's like to work here’ videos, which can give an insight into real life at the company and its culture. Check out their social media channels for other insights into the company culture. Set out what you’ll wear for your first week and plan your commute with plenty of time to spare. Avoid late nights during your first workweek.

Make the most of your induction

The induction period is the perfect time to find out everything you need to know to do your job effectively. So approach it seriously and ask plenty of questions, if you have any concerns, raise them politely.

Make a good impression

Arrive early on day one be punctual every day after that. Demonstrate a willingness to learn and a positive attitude at all times. Work on building a solid relationship with your manager and start by making sure you’re crystal clear on what’s expected of you. Go the extra mile and volunteer for projects or tasks that are above your remit. While over-delivering won't get you promoted overnight, it will help you to build a solid reputation.

What if your new role isn’t working out?

Request a meeting with your manager as soon as possible and don’t sit in silent resentment. Jobs are often flexible and your manager may be open to changing some aspects of your role. If another job has your attention, try and incorporate the factors you like into your current role rather than simply moving on.

If the job still isn't right, decide if you should hand in your notice now, or if you should find a new job first. Either way, make sure that you’ve given the job a fair chance.